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Monday, April 09, 2007

Crossed Wires

Has anyone out there ever experienced this? Please tell me I'm not the only one.

Sometimes, especially in the morning after I drink my full glass of water with breakfast (usually a bowl of slightly thawed fruit, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple, peaches, mangos, etc - whatever frozen fruit I've gotten from the store at the moment) sometimes I get the feeling like I am slightly nauseated. It persists for a few minutes, then suddenly I get the urge to sneeze - several times - and then everything is better. It doesn't only happen in the morning, but when it does, it is usually in the morning. I have a theory (!) that sneezing and the other thing must involve nerves that are very close or something (being reflex actions, perhaps?). And maybe, just maybe, the signals on the nausea nerve cross over to the sneeze nerve. That's my theory anyway. It sounds very similar to why you sneeze when you stare at the sun (why would you stare at the sun anyway? To see if it makes you sneeze, if you're me) - the nerves that signal "AHHH! Blinding light!!! Sensitive eyes!!!" somehow stimulate the sneeze reflex nerves, causing you to sneeze while you are blinded. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this - or am I the only one?


Robin said...

I don't know about the nausea/sneezing thing, but I stare at a light (instead of the sun!) when I want to sneeze.

I want to make a new header maybe with a picture, but I don't have a program to do it with. Once I have a picture, I think I can figure out the html to get in the blog....but I need help making the header. Any interest in helping me out? Do you know html very well?

Anonymous said...

The nausea is probably due to the high acidity in the fruit juice. Not sure about the sneezing unless you maybe have a bit of an allergy.

The sneeze/light thing is more realistic. "photic sneezing" evidently runs in families.