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Friday, November 07, 2008

What Happened???

Ha, you were probably expecting to see a politically motivated post bemoaning the election of Barack Obama. That will come later, but for now, I am bemoaning the downgrading of this blog from its previous rating of College Undergrad to this:

blog readability test

Movie Reviews

Grrrr. I bet it's a conspiracy of the liberal media to downgrade blogs with even the slightest hint of conservative thought. I need to do some posts of the largest words I can think of (like antidisestablishmentarianism, but more cool).

My sister was the one who brought this to my attention. She had her blog tested here and got a lower rating as well. This only proves my theory (I mean, it lends credence to my hypothesis, notwithstanding the evidence to the contrary, the quantity of which approaches near-gargantuan levels). Sorry, I was trying to get my reading level a tad bit higher.


Robin said...

i can haz hi-er scor ef i uze big wurds?

Anonymous said...

Capitulation. Prestidigitation. Léger de main. That's French! Surely it will win you a few points. Even Frasier would agree.