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Saturday, November 08, 2008

Tomorrow's Internet...Today!!

Ever see one of those clips from the 1950's where some guy would talk about all the wonderful things we would have in the future? (Meaning now, or actually, they often referred to the year 2000, so their future is our past.) Flying cars, computers in your house that didn't take up an entire room, cooking units that would heat food in minutes, wireless telephones, etc etc etc.

Hey, where's our flying cars??? All the other is great, but I want to fly my own car!!

Anyway, I came across an interesting clip from 1981 in which the reporter tells us about how you can call a number, hook up your Home Computer, and actually bring up headlines to read at your own leisure. And it only takes about 2 hours to download the entire text!

Check out the size of the computer monitor at 1:57. I wonder if those came in 16:9?

This clip just made me laugh. No erudite commentary on the socio-political melange correlating to a large degree with the rise of the Obamanation. (sorry, had to sneak in some multisyllabic words to keep my genius rating)

Oh yeah, the clip:

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