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Monday, February 26, 2007

I spent the weekend doing several things, most notably winning at Bingo (and it wasn't Colby who won this time - it was ME!!! Ahh, the thrill of yelling out "BINGO!!!"). But I also watched two classic movies - Casablanca and Carrie, neither of which I have ever watched before.

Casablanca didn't impress me much - I was expecting something incredible, from all that it's part of pop culture. There were many many familiar lines of dialog - "Play it, Sam", "Round up the usual suspects", "Here's looking at you, kid" and more. But all in all, not a big deal.

Carrie, on the other hand, was a pretty interesting movie. Not the usual Stephen King stuff - the only gory part was when she got drenched with pig's blood (eww). And the mother was very creepy - what with her warped view of Christianity and tendency to stab her daughter. Anyway, Carrie is one of the few King books I have never read, either - I think I will take a stab at reading it sometime soon (oooh, bad bad pun). Oops, time to go to work!

1 comment:

Dee Martin said...

oooh Carrie - the end is the best. Have you ever seen Rosemary's Baby? That's another classic. id you win big? Is here an iMac in my future?? Email me LOL