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Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Who??

Not much to say just yet, but after I heard John McCain had picked Alaskan governor Sarah Palin as his VP, I was intrigued enough to check her out. I haven't had time to completely research her, but just from the surface items on the net (and her Wikipedia article) I am ready to vote for McCain merely on the chance he won't make it through his term (a morbid thought, I know, but I'm just being practical) - which means that Palin would become President. I wish I could vote for her - her positions seem fairly close to my own, closer than McCain's are to mine, and FAR closer to mine than Obam'sa (who reminded me of Senator Palpatine last night during Obama's speech, where he finally revealed his true colors and showed just how much of a Marxist he is.)

You don't get the Star Wars reference? Well, Palpatine acted like a nice guy, just a good ol' Senator. But he secretly was machinating (is that a word???) in the background, and in Episode III the good Senator finally revealed who he was (Emperor Palpatine nee Darth Sideous). Likewise, the good Senator Palpa.....I mean Obama revealed (in his acceptance speech) just how much of a traditional Marxist liberal (in the finest tradition of the French and to a lesser degree, the British) he is by bringing out all the tired old Keynesian economic ideas - wealth redistribution, progressive taxes, any problem requires a governmentally based solution, blah blah blah. I thought Obama was about CHANGE????? He's spouting the same tired old policies that have weakened this country for decades. The War On Poverty? When did that start...I believe it was with Johnson in the 60s. (Too lazy to double check this, if I'm wrong, don't sue). We've been fighting this "war" for at least 40+ years and have yet to see any palpable results (palpable, Palpatine....get it??)

Anyway, I got way off track. I just meant to mention how favorable Palin seems to me. Any thoughts?


Robin said...

I agree. I heard about her for the first time yesterday when I was trying to figure out who McCain might pick. From what I learned today (mostly from Wiki and Fox News - NOT MSNBC), she sounds pretty good so far. Better than McCain and WAAAAAAAAY better than Obama.

I thought the official Obama camp initial reaction to her was very tacky. Their second attempt at congratulating her was a little too late.

Wait, why am I still talking about politics?

Dee Martin said...

You both have me curious enough to do more research. I've been so tired I just kind of caught things as they flashed by on the news and didn't pay a lot of attention. I will be more attentive now. These are definitely interesting times.

Anonymous said...

Palin has said she has incredible powers over men. The Force must be strong with her.

Personally I miss the 90s. College loans lower than 5% (and reasonable tuition), an almost-eliminated deficit (as opposed to $200 million per month in the Middle East). I know the economy goes up and down; but to have my funny-money Canadian coins worth than my GWs? Uh-uh.

homer4k said...

I have an easy fix for our national debt.

1) First, determine which nations we wish to invade/conquer/wipe off the face of the planet/etc.

2)Get them (somehow) to invest in US Treasury bonds - they finance our debt, we get the money, and everyone's happy!

3) When they start wondering if we can repay them, we launch our nukes (as the President slyly says "Payment in full" like the hero of a Arnold Schwazenwhatever movie).

4) PROFIT!! (it's a /. thing)

5) Repeat until out of nukes, or out of gullible enemies.

6) Set our sights on Canada.....

Anonymous said...

I am appropriately shocked and awed. I believe Jesus generally frowns on mass carnage for financial gain, though; so it might not be the best long-term strategy.