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Friday, August 01, 2008

Post-Mortem Analysis??

This blog is dead. Well, maybe not dead, but dying. Certainly well into end-stage terminal cancer. I started this blog oh so long ago as an attempt to just put down some random thoughts and stuff, about things and such, a real stream-of-consciousness kinda thing. Which basically means I write what I'm thinking as I think it - think of it as a kind of realtime update from my brain to the computer. Unlike some people who type up posts, then edit them so they sound at least halfway coherent, I don't edit, other than to correct glaringly egregious spelling errors. And it shows.

Anyway, I had a whopping 3 posts last month, 2 or 3 each in May and April, but an incredible 6 in June. I never wanted to post daily, but I thought it would be more frequent than that. There's just not much going on worth posting, and I refuse to post "just" to post. So I think this blog is at least going on hiatus, which will affect all three followers tremendously, ha ha.


Dee Martin said...

I miss it already. Hope it's hiatus hernia thingamobob gets healed up and it comes back soon. Dry spells don't last forever ya know.

homer4k said...

I think this is more than a "dry spell". This is more like the Great Dustbowl or something.

Robin said...


Dee Martin said...

I know you will think I'm weird but I think you should podcast. You have a great voice. Why not teach through Romans? I'd be willing to help edit and I would post links, DIGG it, bookmark it on and stumble it - whatever! You could start with small short studies and see how it goes and then maybe grow it a little bigger. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Would a pod cast be like an internet evangelist??? Might be a good idea??? $$$$$$


Robin said...

Instead of televangelist, would an internet evangelist be an e-vangelist?