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Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Who??

Not much to say just yet, but after I heard John McCain had picked Alaskan governor Sarah Palin as his VP, I was intrigued enough to check her out. I haven't had time to completely research her, but just from the surface items on the net (and her Wikipedia article) I am ready to vote for McCain merely on the chance he won't make it through his term (a morbid thought, I know, but I'm just being practical) - which means that Palin would become President. I wish I could vote for her - her positions seem fairly close to my own, closer than McCain's are to mine, and FAR closer to mine than Obam'sa (who reminded me of Senator Palpatine last night during Obama's speech, where he finally revealed his true colors and showed just how much of a Marxist he is.)

You don't get the Star Wars reference? Well, Palpatine acted like a nice guy, just a good ol' Senator. But he secretly was machinating (is that a word???) in the background, and in Episode III the good Senator finally revealed who he was (Emperor Palpatine nee Darth Sideous). Likewise, the good Senator Palpa.....I mean Obama revealed (in his acceptance speech) just how much of a traditional Marxist liberal (in the finest tradition of the French and to a lesser degree, the British) he is by bringing out all the tired old Keynesian economic ideas - wealth redistribution, progressive taxes, any problem requires a governmentally based solution, blah blah blah. I thought Obama was about CHANGE????? He's spouting the same tired old policies that have weakened this country for decades. The War On Poverty? When did that start...I believe it was with Johnson in the 60s. (Too lazy to double check this, if I'm wrong, don't sue). We've been fighting this "war" for at least 40+ years and have yet to see any palpable results (palpable, Palpatine....get it??)

Anyway, I got way off track. I just meant to mention how favorable Palin seems to me. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

...And Now For Something Completely Different

Well, the title's intent was to grab your attention. Sorry to say, I lied. This post is VERY related to the last one about how I can something of a grammar policeman at times. See the image below.

Some of my thoughts raised by this photograph:

1) To the woman holding the sign: Get some better looking shades.
2) Again, to the woman with the sign: If you are going to promote English as our official language, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE learn to spell English words properly. (See the word "official" in the sign. ) That really looks bad for America, ma'am.

Just my impression of things.

Click this link to take you to the website where I found the pic:

Monday, August 25, 2008

I Love These Guys!!!

Those of you who know me well also know of my penchant for catching typos, grammatical errors, and other horrors perpetrated upon the written word by dimwitted noobs who can only stare blankly at me when I tell them that 'to' and 'too' are totally different words. And don't even get me started about 'their', 'there' and 'they're'.

Anyway, I happened upon this article from today, about two guys who went all over the United States fixing typos they encountered on signs. And to them, I can only say, "More power to them!"

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I just noticed (after posting the Emperor Palpatine post just now, then looking over the older posts) that some of the headlines are not rendering properly - the letters are all mushed together. I'll have to check into that, but not right now. It might be time for a face lift for this blog anyway - time to freshen things up a little.

Come To The Darkside!

Today was a baaaaaaaad day at work. I was talking with a co-worker, and I tried to explain how bad things were using a Star Wars reference. I told him how, if we were in the Star Wars universe, I would have gladly gone Darkside so fast today, just to be able to shoot lightning at peeps, and maybe even do the ol' Force Choke Hold like my boy Vader did once. Being able to shoot lightning at stupid people would come in handy, in many ways. Especially people who do not know what the red and white triangular street sign with the word YIELD on it means. But that's another post just dying to be written. There is a specific YIELD sign here in Paris where I would like to set up early in the morning, and all day long just count how many peeps obey the sign vs. how many don't. It would make a nice little pie chart, don't you think? Or is that just the geek in me. Grrrr.

Better get my lightning hands ready.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

¿Qué decir?

I came across this article from the NBC Channel 5 website in the Metroplex. I'll post the text here to save time.

Man Ticketed After Failing To Heed Bilingual Signs

An Arlington man says not knowing Spanish earned him a ticket after police stopped him in an area in McKinney with bilingual signs designated to accommodate day laborers.He got stopped on Highway 5 and Louisiana Street in McKinney."Most people that come into this area are able to notice there are signs in English and Spanish as well," said Lt. Scott Brewer.The Spanish language signs say "Prohibido estacionar y parar" and have English signs above them or facing another direction that say "No parking, standing or stopping.""It helps out in that they stay away from your property," said Jesse Raymundo of Magna Craft Furniture, a business in the area.Raymundo said the bilingual signs make it clear to everyone where day laborers and employers should meet."People now speak both languages and some people only speak one so it kind of helps out," he said.McKinney city officials said it has no plans to change its policy or signs."For us, it's a quality of life issue. We know that they're opportunities here, we've just taken the appropriate steps, we think, to make it go safely," Brewer said.

Now, at first glance, you would assume that the poor soul this article is about has been treated unfairly - after all, he doesn't speak or read Spanish, apparently. BUT - if you go to the article and watch the video provided, you can see a different story. The Spanish-language sign reading "Prohibido estacionar y parar" clearly have another sign below them, albeit at a different angle. And that sign is in plain ol' English. The guy's story about not seeing the English language sign? Pure baloney, IMHO.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


And yes, I recognize the irony of declaring my blog to be dead, and then just a few days later I post. So don't even think of trying to pown me by leaving some lame ironic comment.

I'm still laughing!

If you follow politics (and I do), you've no doubt heard about the McCain ad which compares Obama to Paris Hilton or Brittany Spears. I finally got around to viewing it on YouTube. Well, here it is, in case you haven't seen it already.

There is another ad, this time by Paris Hilton, responding to McCain's ad. Unfortunately, there seem to be copyright issues related to this one, seeing as how any videos on YouTube that I could find have been removed. Anyway, I heard the audio on talk radio this morning, and the jist of it was Paris, responding to McCain's ad, and then declaring she is running for president. She then presents her "platform" - and the sad thing is, her energy policy actually sounds halfway decent!!

I'll keep looking for that other video.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Post-Mortem Analysis??

This blog is dead. Well, maybe not dead, but dying. Certainly well into end-stage terminal cancer. I started this blog oh so long ago as an attempt to just put down some random thoughts and stuff, about things and such, a real stream-of-consciousness kinda thing. Which basically means I write what I'm thinking as I think it - think of it as a kind of realtime update from my brain to the computer. Unlike some people who type up posts, then edit them so they sound at least halfway coherent, I don't edit, other than to correct glaringly egregious spelling errors. And it shows.

Anyway, I had a whopping 3 posts last month, 2 or 3 each in May and April, but an incredible 6 in June. I never wanted to post daily, but I thought it would be more frequent than that. There's just not much going on worth posting, and I refuse to post "just" to post. So I think this blog is at least going on hiatus, which will affect all three followers tremendously, ha ha.