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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Animal Rescue 911

Operation Hummingbird Rescue was a complete success! Here's a quick recap.

1) Apparently, a little hummer flew in the back of the store yesterday before closing time. I never got him to fly out, so he stayed inside overnight. No food, which is bad for hummers.

2) This morning, I found him motionless on the floor. Animal Rescue quickly went into emergency mode - I mixed up some sugar water (25% sugar by volume, as recommended by Wikipedia), filled a Styrofoam cup which I had cut low so he could sip the sugar water, and placed the cup in front of the bird.

3)Within minutes, he began to sip - gingerly at first, but eventually he was guzzling it down. And then he flew off.

4) Mission Accomplished! Another successful rescue by your local Animal Rescue Team (but not cats - they can just die)


Robin said...

That sounds like way more fun that working. Good job!

You were feeding baby squirrels at work a few months ago, right?

Dee Martin said...

aaawwww I love hummingbirds! They are visiting our backyard a lot these days. I'll tell them you helped their cousin!