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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Please Respond

As I write this, my tv is tuned to The Daily Show with Jon Stewart for some reason. (Yeah, I know - who really watches stuff like that besides Chris Matthew's fanboys?) So anyway, I have a question to ask America tonight:

Please Respond As Indicated:
1) Do any of you watch The Daily Show?
2) If you answered yes to 1, then tell me if you actually find him funny?
3) If you answered yes to 2, then tell me exactly when you contracted the AIDS virus (Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome)

(ADD moment: I misspelled 'deficiency' with a typo, and Firefox's inline spell check offered several alternatives, most notably 'defecation'.  Let the potty humor punchlines commence!)

Sorry, we got WAAY off topic.  Why does Stewart have a show?  He isn't funny.  I had to wipe the sarcasm off my tv several times since Stewart kept dripping it all over the place.  Very sloppy. 

Now my brain is tired from all this - or maybe because it's 1 AM.  Time for some mindless humor...oh wait, I already watched Jon Stewart tonight.  Well, not the humor part - he's not that funny - so I guess only the 'mindless' part applies.  I think I'll put on C-SPAN and see if they're replaying this weekend's House vote on the Pelosi-care bill.  That would be funny, in a 'Oh dear Lord, have these idiots even read the Constitution ever?????' kind of way.

ADD moment:  A see a new TV show - clips of Congress voting or debating all kids of stuff, while being made fun of by the silhouettes of robots in theater seats at the bottom of the screen. Call it "Mystery Congress Theater 2009". Wait, instead of robots, put some guys like Franklin, Washington, Madison, Hamilton, and especially Thomas Jefferson down there, making fun of our elected idiots.

ADD moment within and ADD moment: (That's a nested ADD moment for the nerds among us).  How about an anime kids cartoon along the lines of Voltron or something.  Scanners pick up a monster (or Ro-Beast in Voltron terms) approaching - it's Pelosi-tron!!!   So the Founders launch their ships or whatever to attack Pelosi-tron (or Pelosi-saurus or whatever).  Franklin yells "Firing liberty lasers!" but Pelositron isn't hurt at all.  Jefferson then launches some Separation Of Powers missiles, but she counters that as well.  Then Samuel Jackson, uhh, I mean, Adams yells out that they need to form "Libertytron" or some sort of super weapon robot thing (c'mon, think Voltron and the lions...or am I dating myself here?).  I can imagine it now - as each Founder's little ship joins, the pilot yells out something like "Freedom of the press!", then another "Checks and balances", then another "The rights of man are not granted to him by government, but rather by his Creator - the power of government exists at the pleasure of the people it serves!", then another "Federalism - States still have some sovereign rights under the 10th amendment!".  Then all the Founders' little ships come together to form the big robot thing (like Voltron) - come up with your own anime name.  All I can think of is Constitutionotron. Then Pelositron sees Constitutionotron and roars "More taxes! Bigger governnment!!  Yargh!!!!" or something like that. Then Constitutionotron says "Form 2nd Ammendment KickAss weapon".

(a little explanation:  in the old Voltron cartoon, the monster would attack, then the robot lions would respond unsuccessfully and get kicked around a lot. Only then would one of the lion pilots think about forming Voltron, then doing the "Form Blazing Sword!" thing, at which point Voltron would make this lightsaber thing and dispatch the Ro-Beast. I always wondered why they never just formed Voltron in the first place and whoop the Ro-beast then.)

So Constitutionotron forms the 2nd Amendment Kickass weapon and slices Pelositron in two - just as Barney Frankasaurus attacks from the rear.


Ahh, much better. (Pause while I pick myself up off the floor.)  Wow, that was crazy. Attack "from the rear".  Sorry about that.  Anyway, do you think that would make a good kids cartoon?  I'd like to watch it just to see Thomas Jeffferson get all constitutional on our government's collective butt.

Okay, sorry for the long post, and especially sorry for the ADD moment thing. I should probably go to sleep. Good night.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

This Little Blog Of Mine...

...I'm gonna let it fester in the dark with no posts since August 24th.

Oh, sorry, the post title should be sung to the tune of "This Little Light Of Mine", continuing with the first line of the body. At that point, you should be channeling the sarcasm I intended by NOT finishing that first line in such a fashion as to mimic the previously mentioned song.

Feelin' that sarcasm yet?? Mayhap it be mixed with an undertone of irony. (Read that line in a pirate voice. Arrh!)

So much for witty prose. Yeah, it's been two months plus since the last update - such a long hiatus that some peeps commented about it, attempting to goad me into posting. You know who you are. (wink wink, lol) Anyway, there simply hasn't been anything non-political worth writing about, and my political rants (oops, I meant posts, not rants ha ha)tend to drone on and on with no end in sight.

However, if you want some new content, check out my Flickr photostream. LOT'S of new pics uploaded recently, including this lizard photo.


So go check out those new pics and go slow - that might give me enough time to come up with a good idea for a post.