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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Missing Dad's Birthday...Again

Last year, I went to Arizona in March. I missed my Dad's birthday (3-14, which is Pi day for you geeks out there, or more precisely it's Pi Day officially at 1:59 AM on March 14). Although we did celebrate later, after I returned, by going to Fish Tales (his fave restaurant) I haven't heard the end of it, about missing the actual day.
Well, it's Round Two. I'm going to be gone the weekend he and Mom wanted to go out for his birthday (the weekend right after 3/14) but I will once again be gone, not to Arizona, but rather to Tennessee, to visit Johnny Cash's gravesite (among other things). I was out at Mom and Dad's earlier today, and even though we decided to do the BD thing this upcoming weekend instead, I still got an earful about missing his actual bd TWO YEARS IN A ROW. This will be one of those things that is still brought up 20 years from now, I'm sure, like how I once giggled at Dad about the way he ate corn on the cob. That was YEARS ago, and yet I still hear it every once in awhile. Oh well, it's one of the things that makes Dad so cool.


Robin said...

"once giggled"??

I'm pretty sure it was more than once.

homer4k said...

Maybe twice....

Bobby said...

It wasn't once-it is total embarrasement whenever corn on cob is eaten--scarred forever