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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Whirlwind Saturday

Today, Colby and I went to Oklahoma City to see the 45th Infantry Museum (and to take lots of pics!) We've planned this for awhile but Colby's tooth injury precluded us from going last week (See the Barksdale trip instead)
It was actually very interesting, especially the section of the museum devoted to Dachau, the concentration camp. The images from there were most disturbing - nothing I cared to photograph, but poignant nonetheless. Of course, the airplane and tanks located outside the museum were excellent photo opps.
Coming down I-35S into Gainesville, I missed the 82 exit and proceeded all the way to Denton, quite aways out of the way. We had to backtrack, all the while listening to Colby talk about my lack of navigational sense.
Actually, we had a good time. I hadn't seen Colby since August, and he even told me he missed me (awww), which is a wonder for a 15 year old. Anyway, we are meeting again next week to help him study for his 6-week tests, especially algebra and biology. Seems he isn't doing so well in either subject.
Ahh, the forecast calls for severe storms! Better get the camera battery charged....

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