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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Arkansas Ho!

Next weekend, Colby and I are going to Diamond Crater in Arkansas (about 7 hours from here, according to Google Maps) to prospect for - you guessed it - diamonds! Actually, I just needed an excuse for a quick road trip with plenty of photo ops (scenery, wildlife, etc) and this seemed to fit the bill - plus the whole idea sounds interesting. At any rate, I'll be able to put into practice some of the new techniques I learned from the many books Mark gave me a couple of weeks ago on photography - some serious stuff, mind you. We'll see how it pans out. And if I can persuade Marion to let me borrow her laptop, I can blog and upload pics as I go. Or Maybe Dee will let me borrow Iris (her Mac) - ha ha, fat chance - don't worry Dee, I wouldn't let he go, either!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if I don't go - she don't go. Wish I could by the way. I've always had a secret dream of finding a big honking diamond. I hope you find one. I could live vicariously. You could be big news! I get exclusive blogging rights (except for your photos) LOL Dee