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Thursday, November 23, 2006


The big day is finally here, ha ha. No, not Christmas - it'll be here soon enough. I'm talking about Thanksgiving, of course (also known as 'Turkey Day' to some). In a few minutes, Mom and Dad and the Martins (Dale, Dee, Kinsey, and Jessica) will be here. We'll be eating some old favorites and some new additions from Dee's kitchen - the Maple Pumpkin Pie sounds really good (the secret is maple syrup in the whipped cream). Robin and Jason won't be here this year - it's a bit further to come here from Virginia than it is from Houston, but they will be missed - I think I'll take a group photo and send it to them instead of the traditional e-card or whatever.

'Traditional' ecard??? How the heck did that happen? When did the internet become traditional? How quickly we get used to new things. The first time I actually used the internet was in 1995, at the computer lab in college. It's only been 11 years since then, but it seems like the web has been around for alot longer. Weird, huh?

Anyway, finally we're going to have a normal Thanksgiving dinner for the first time in several years (three, I believe, but don't hold me to that - I'm not Mr. Statistics). Oak Park (meaning Marion) did a community Thanksgiving meal where everyone was invited, and the food was free. We helped out every year they did it, even when I wasn't really going to that church anymore - it was fun. I don't know why they aren't doing one this year, other than Marion not being there anymore (she's moved to another church, among other things) and basically that means we are having a NORMAL holiday today - although it was fun doing the community dinner, it just wasn't the same.

Ah, I hear doors slamming - must be the Martins (I know Mom and Dad won't be here this early, lol). Yes, I hear Kinsey coming down the hall - guess it's time to go. Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving wherever you are!


Robin said...

Four posts in one week! I'm impressed.

homer4k said...

ha ha - usually I don't like to post just for the sake of posting - only if I have something truly 'post-worthy'. But I was off this week - I had a week of vacation left and I needed to take it, so I thought this would be a great time to do it. Anyway, boredom set in pretty quickly, so I've been running around Lamar county taking pics of stuff (nothing that great so far), organizing my pics and mp3s and vids (yay, fun!) and blogging like crazy!!