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Sunday, October 08, 2006

He's Baaaack!

Roy strikes again. This time, he's not ranting about giving North Dakota to the Israelis, he ranting about...well, you figure it out for yourself.

(from the Paris News Website)
To the Editor:

Does praying for rain really, ever cause it to rain?

There are many prayers for certain things. Rain is a common object of prayer. Changes in the weather are prayed for when it appears to be needed. A church group prayed for rain and it started raining. Three days later they prayed for it to stop raining. There is the childish rhyme “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day.”

The more we know about the causes of weather, the less likely we are to expect to change it in order to save our hay crop, or have a fine day for our garden party. A prayer for rain will do no harm. It might even do some good. So lets all pray for rain and hope for the best.

Roy Bunch


I believe the editorial staff at the Paris News has an alarm that goes off when ol' Roy writes an editorial, making sure they include it in the paper, because other than the "Gosh, Isn't He So Stupid, It's Funny?"factor, there is no good reason to publish his editorials. So the staff must be printing them solely for the entertainment value, lol. Keep 'em coming, Ray!


Robin said...

This guy makes me laugh - especially the last letter you posted about Israel.

Anonymous said...

yay Roy! I say we rub his head and ask what the meaning of life is! The oracle of Roy!