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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mob Wars Update

Some little punk on Mob Wars called Sunshine Bruiser (Level 40 but dinky as all get out) is online right now (it's about 9:30 PM). He attacked me without checking out my stats, as I usually do before I attack somebody, in order that I don't accidentally attack an UberMobster who will promptly kill me or have me killed. Anyway, ol' Sunshine didn't bother to check and find out that I outclass him in every way, just about. He gave me 3 damage points, but I damaged him by 50!!

That's not the worst of it. Sunshine then, after he lost bigtime, proceded to attack me AGAIN!!! So I decided to 'make him an offer he couldn't refuse', as we Italian mobsters like to say. I attacked him once, and it put him in the hospital. And I've been keeping him in the hospital for almost an hour now, cuz Sunshine will pay a doc to heal him, and then BAM!! I send him back to the hospital.

Foolish young Jedi. Your pitiful band of rebels has no chance against this armed and fully operational battlestation! (Read that in the Emporer Palpatine voice - it's much better that way)

Of course, the Rebellion did manage to blow up the second Death Star. And there were cute Ewoks. lol

If anyone out there would like to join my mob, just send an invite to me. My screen name is homer4k, and my Facebook profile is here.


Robin said...

Maybe he was trying to go to the hospital?

Some people seem like they are always dead or always in the hospital. I am wondering if when you go into the hospital, your status will stay that way (even if you have enough health) until you log back into Mob Wars. So lately before I logoff, I make sure I am in the hospital. The theory holds up so far because no one has attacked me in days except for while I was online.

Do you know if this is the case?

Note: when I try to end up in the hospital, I do at least try to fight someone I can beat. Or try the hitlist. Even if I lose, sometimes there is still a chance of killing them and getting the cash.

Anonymous said...

Dang, I'm sure I'd find this game too addictive.

Bobby said...

Just be glad that ORCA ONE does not have time to play this game. You would be scared to get out of the hospital.



Dee Martin said...

I'm working on the train robbery now!!

I'm nowhere near your level though :)

Robin said...

I'm tired of the game now.