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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

And we're off... a herd of turtles (Dad will laugh). After a slow start this morning due to rain, rain, and more rain, the weather finally cleared about an hour away from OK City, and clear skies prevailed. There was so much construction, though - I guess Oklahoma decided to fix the entire length of I-40 all at once. Bummer. Another thing about Oklahoma - they will name a road or bridge or anything, after ANYONE! I swear they have more "John Doe Memorial Highway" and "Jane Doe Memorial Bridge" and "Joe Six-Pack Memorial Ditch" signs than any other state I've ever seen, with the exception of Arizona, where you can (for a fee) put up a memorial sign to anyone along the highway - but you aren't naming anything after anyone. In Oklahoma, if you die, apparently you are guaranteed something named after you.
Cadillac Ranch
I stopped at the Cadillac Ranch too - very weird but cool place. The lighting was much better than last time I was here (late afternoon today, as opposed to the harsh noon sun the last time) so my pics turned out better, IMHO. Anyway, the plan for tomorrow do whatever I feel like, and see (and photograph) whatever I want. Now THAT'S the way to do a vacation.

Live from Tucumcari, NM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha - I've already blogged you!

See ya!