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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Wild Fun Day

So today (well, yesterday by the time I finish posting this) started off as a standard Saturday - getting up early (!), changing my oil (!!), then running a few errands. Fairly banal fare, you might say. Well, afterwards I went to Sherman with Kinsey - oops, forgot to not use names... oh well - and had a rather large time there (to use a Deeism) looking for items to buy for Snickers, my fur baby, as well as items for myself. I bought her several things but myself only one - a game for my PSP, after trading in some DVD's at Gamestop. We also went 'clothes shopping' - Kinsey went around like a personal shopper, suggesting various shirts and whatnot to complete my ensemble - no, he's not gay, he just knows his colors and what goes with what.

Anyway, on the way back, we pass by Toco and the dilapidated airplane that sits out front (pics to follow). We pulled in the parking lot so I could take some pics, of course. This elderly gentleman opens the door of his ramshackle building to tell us we can look inside his airplane - so we climb in. It was hot as all get out, but interesting to see an old airplane. However, the best part was after we left the hellaciously hot airplane and went back inside to thank the old man for letting us check out the plane. The building he lived in is so run-down. It was rather depressing, to tell you the truth. I thought to make a quick thank-you and exit, but the old man (I forget his name, something Burchinal..) began to regale us with stories from his past, of flying in old movies (Mad Mad Mad World, Murphy's War, Ba Ba Black Sheep, just to name a few), and also telling us lots of local history, stuff you neverhear about. It turned out to be the most awesome thing that happened today - in a way, it was like history coming alive listening to him talk about his experiences. I'd like to take my (uhhh, I mean Dee's) videocamera back and tape him, make a documentary about Paris and the surrounding area's history, and Burchinal's story - he was just cool, for an old guy. The most awesome thing was that stopping at his place with the old airplane was just a fluke - I've driven by there so many times and never thought to check it out before...

Anyway, this just makes me think how many other stories are out there, waiting to be told, and no one to listen to them.


Dee Martin said...

I like your new blog - now I can subscribe! Glad you guys had a good trip to Sherman. The airplane guy sounds very interesting. It's amazing how many great stories are out there that we don't hear about just because we never meet the individual or if we do we don't take the time to listen.

Dee Martin said...

oooh kewl - flickr goodness! I'm glad it worked!

Dee Martin said...

ok - this is weird. Both my comments were actually to your first post and they have ended up attached to the third. Dale actually mentioned if he felt good enough maybe we could go to church Sunday. I hope he feels like it. It has been ages.