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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Where's The Tylenol?

(quoted from Chevy Chase in the Christmas Vacation movie, after he goes on his rant near the end)

I need something for my headache. Is it a caffeine headache? No. Perhaps the powerful pressure changes in the atmosphere making the wind gust outside? No. Dehydration? No.

I've got a headache because I almost literally fell of the couch while watching this video of Karl Orff's "Carmina Burana". Have you ever laughed so hard you see stars? Laughed so hard that you have no air left inside you, and yet you can't stop laughing in silent paroxysms? I was okay until it got to the "Salsa Cookies" - then my head was pounding and even so, I couldn't stop laughing.

Here's the video. If it doesn't make you laugh, then your sense of humor simply isn't as well developed as mine.

Well? Tell me you blew snot all over your laptop screen, please. (Not that I did that, but.....well, maybe I did. Still not as bad as Mom spilling Dr. Pepper on my laptop while we were in Corpus Christi and parked in a nearby motel parking lot, because our motel didn't have wifi. Technology FAIL)


Heather said...

Wow, where to begin, what to say?! *snort* "Some men like cheese. . ." Hee hee.

Heather said...

Cr*p, I think I ate a windmill cookie once at Sunday school!